How To Test a Fuel Sending Unit & Gauge

An old-school approach to quickly diagnose your fuel sending unit and the gauge. Most times, the wiring is bad. Use this video as a reference.
How To Remove a Fuel Sending Unit The Easy Way

This is a fast and easy way to learn how to remove the fuel sending unit the easy way in your Ford Mustang. Most fuel sending units are constructed the same way. You Have an outer locking ring that needs to be tapped with a screwdriver and a hammer lightly to loosen the ring. Once loose, […]
How To Add a Return Fuel Line The Right Way

Adding a return fuel line is an essential part of your electronic fuel injection installation. EFI systems require a return line to move unneeded fuel from the fuel injection system back to the fuel tank. This process of cycling fuel from the tank to the injectors or throttle body and back to the tank is […]
How To Install Holley Sniper Fuel Injection on a Mustang | Fuel Pump Stage

Begin by inspecting the contents of your Holley Sniper Master Kit. Make sure all necessary fittings, hoses, sensors, and wiring harnesses are in the box. I will try and make this series of posts and videos as thorough as possible so you can make a better-informed decision on fuel injection and understand the build process […]